Personlig trener utdannelse

Fred Koch og Proteinfabrikken tilbyr sammen sertifiseringskurs for Personlig Trener i Norge.

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25 januar 2009

Heavy Ab Training "The Answer"

Why in the world would you train every muscle of the body with heavy weights and not the abdominals? It is just unbelievable to me to think people actually have fallen for the stupid abdominal programs that are written using body weight doing hundreds of repetitions.
If you look back over some of my post you will see other related posts.

Related Info:

To get an Ab mat go to

18 januar 2009

TBI Certification goes to Sweden

Sandra Søderstrøm, PTPS from Sweden not only received her personal trainer certification , but was asked by the Directors of Treningseksperten to model for their new exercise library that will soon be published.

Fashions Cover-up

I can never get over how easy it is to fool people into thinking what is cool. The latest jeans fashion has to be the best.

Check out theses pictures and anyone can see the scam for what it is. since marketing people know that all women are unhappy with what they look like they have to come up with a new way to "cover it". So, what is the answer, lower the pockets and make them bigger. Boom, now anyone looking will have no idea what your ass really looks like. Now, that might be fine for the average person, but you fitness ladies shoud be really mad. All the time you spend in the gym to get a nice ass and you are suckered into wearing these pants to hide it.