Personlig trener utdannelse

Fred Koch og Proteinfabrikken tilbyr sammen sertifiseringskurs for Personlig Trener i Norge.

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15 november 2009

Sundsvall Conference

I would like to thank everyone that worked on and attended the conference in Sundsvall.

(Vasternorrlands Idrettsforbund) The attached link is my presentation and the related material I gave out.

08 november 2009

The Answer to continued gains

The simple answer is, training to failure or what mood you are in ever time you train is never the answer. Once you understand "Progressive resistance" you will open yourself to gains you never thought possible.

Artikler i

Definisjon-av-maksstyrke: på Norsk

Definition of Progressive Resistance: English:

02 november 2009

Real Abdominal Strength Training

Watch here as a 50 kilo female skiier does sit-ups with 45 kilos for reps and then ask yourself what are the possibilities when you learn what true "strength training for the abdominals" really is.

01 november 2009

Big Back

When it comes to training back there is never any science involved. magazines have to publish every month and thus come up with a new idea. Unfortunately to the average bodybuilder or sports athlete this really doesn't help them get better.

The main reason for not getting a better back is the biceps tire out before the back gets a chance to work. The second reason has to do with understanding the real movements of the back.
Hopefully this article and videos ( originally published På Norsk at will clear up some of these mistakes.

Article in English:

The other exercise links at You tube are:

One Arm Cobras:
Reverse grip Lat Pulldwns:
Seated Row:
Seated Row Elbows Up:

Tudor Originals Muscle Endurance-Bodybuidling,Cuts

If you have read Tudor's books you will see this is the most misunderstood phase in the annual plan. My feeling is the main reason for this is that most athletes, coaches and bodybuilders have never tried it. The ones that have will attest to how great it works.
For athletes it translates into "force per stroke" . even in sprinting the 100 meters their are around 70 steps, the one who fades last is the winning (muscle endurance).
In bodybuilding this phase is used during a period where the loss of weight from body fatis the goal. this phase forces the body to use fat as the energy sourse. More important is it forcuses the bodybuilders mind on the single goal of lossing fat while maintaining muscle mass.

24 august 2009

Tudor Original Maximum Strength

When I first met Tudor Bompa in 1990 (before e-mail and even wide use of computers) much of the material he sent me was handwritten. I thought many of you would like to see what he had to say before years and years of editors got done with his work.

Attached is the original definition of the Maximum Strength phase. Mnay of you historians can add it to your library.

08 august 2009

Serious strength training for Soccer - Time to enter the future.

Styrke trening er så kontroversialt her i Norge disse dager. Det er på tide å våkne opp og entre fremtiden av sport.

"Speed, power, agility, injury free, what have all these well known terms have in common? They are all based on the physical strength of the player. You can’t get more agile or powerful without getting stronger. That’s right, strength training time has come."

Les hele artikkelen her.

Få resten av informasjonen og det du trenger her.

In English:

Strength training is so controversial here in Norway these days. It is time to wake up and enter the future of sports.

Read the entire article here.

Get the entire program and starting infomation here.

What the future brings in soccer

Jeg leste en interessant artikkel fra Manchester Uniteds hjemmeside som jeg ønsker å dele med dere. Det er et intervju med fitness treneren for laget. Kanskje Start kan lære noe av dem en gang i fremtiden?

Les hele artikkelen her.

In english:
I read an interesting piece from Mancester United's web page that I'd like to share. The piece is from a applicant for the job of fitness coach for the team. Maybe Start can learn something from this view of the future?

"How big a part does a fitness coach play in today's game or have they always played an important role?
The model we're starting to adopt in this country now is like those used in Southern Europe – the Italian model, the Spanish model and to a lesser extent the French model. Historically, the fitness role at a football club was often left to the physiotherapist. Over time clubs would bring in a running coach now and again, but that wasn't ideal because a footballer's fitness is different to that of a runner. Over the last fifteen to twenty years there has been an evolution within the game to adopt a more foreign approach and to have more specialist coaches in specialist areas of the training set-up. There is a much bigger emphasis on the physical preparation of footballers than ever before because of the number of games that players are involved in each season. For that reason virtually every Premier League club now has a fitness coach. Coaches don't just look at the training process nowadays, they look at the recovery process as well. At a club like United nothing can be left to chance. It's part of the manager's vision to leave no stone unturned and he fully recognises the importance of having a fitness coach. Hopefully I can play some part in helping the club remain at the forefront of the game."

Read the entire article here.

04 juni 2009

New Biceps with Videos

I just wrote a new article on about Biceps training.

Check it out here

the Videos are all on youtube, search fredkochexercises.

03 juni 2009

Real Strength Training for the Abdominals

In my never ending effort to show the current state of "Improper" abdominal training methods I resently wrote an article for a Norwegian Strength page,
Check it out in english with the videos we produced.
"Real Strength Training for the Abdominals"

eller på Norsk: her

22 mars 2009

Musclecoach goes to

Recently I have been asked by treningsforum a Norwegian web page to write some articles and do some video for them. The videos are on youtube, search Fred koch. if you want to see the articles in english just drop me a line.
You can see the material:

In addition to these articles I have uploaded to youtube some other material I did for hei-TV in Bergen , Norway. Just search, Fred Koch or musclecoach.
Picture is with Rich Gaspari and Boye Coe back in the Ironman Days

24 februar 2009

Swiss Ball Bullshit

The fitness world is so full of gismos and gadgets that someone is always swearing theses things are the greatest thing since sex. The swiss ball is another one of those gadgets that was surpose to be the greatest thing that ever happened to abdominal training. It isn't.

Abdominal Training part 2 Hei-TV Bergen

This is the second in the abdominal series that was done for Hei-TV in Bergen

Abdominal Training part 1- Hei-TV Bergen

Hei-TV from Bergen had a series on training last year. Below is one of the shows.

25 januar 2009

Heavy Ab Training "The Answer"

Why in the world would you train every muscle of the body with heavy weights and not the abdominals? It is just unbelievable to me to think people actually have fallen for the stupid abdominal programs that are written using body weight doing hundreds of repetitions.
If you look back over some of my post you will see other related posts.

Related Info:

To get an Ab mat go to

18 januar 2009

TBI Certification goes to Sweden

Sandra Søderstrøm, PTPS from Sweden not only received her personal trainer certification , but was asked by the Directors of Treningseksperten to model for their new exercise library that will soon be published.

Fashions Cover-up

I can never get over how easy it is to fool people into thinking what is cool. The latest jeans fashion has to be the best.

Check out theses pictures and anyone can see the scam for what it is. since marketing people know that all women are unhappy with what they look like they have to come up with a new way to "cover it". So, what is the answer, lower the pockets and make them bigger. Boom, now anyone looking will have no idea what your ass really looks like. Now, that might be fine for the average person, but you fitness ladies shoud be really mad. All the time you spend in the gym to get a nice ass and you are suckered into wearing these pants to hide it.