Personlig trener utdannelse

Fred Koch og Proteinfabrikken tilbyr sammen sertifiseringskurs for Personlig Trener i Norge.

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11 august 2008

Muscle Heads to the rescue part II

In Muscle Head to the rescue part I, I talked about the eating issues in many female athletes. Earlier this year it was much media attention about eating disorders among many female top athletes. It’s been some months now, and what has become of this media attention? My answer is: NOTHING! Another political storm where nobody said anything... it went away. Unfortunately we are now starting another fall of training with no answers for these female athletes because of the political infighting and media tension regarding the Olympics.

In my opinion, this is why small business will become more involved in sports in Norway. Small businesses can react and get things done in a short period of time and make needed changes without a hundred meetings and political games.

With the help of Proteinfabrikken, AK-28 and Lund Treningssenter (TBI), the attached nutrition project was set up and finished in record time. The results showed that for 22kroner a day, female athlete could have a healthier life and more efficient sports career. See the attached report.

Read the rapport here

01 august 2008

Back in action!

Beklager jeg ikke har skrevet på en stund, men som en typisk "musclehead" her i Norge, tar jeg ferie om sommeren. Det betyr ikke at jeg ikke har jobbet. Det nyeste som skjer nå er at småprogrammet på nettet blir mer og mer populært. HeiTV fra Bergen ønsket å lage et traningsprogram som vi kalte (selvfølgelig) "Muscle Coach". Nedenfor denne bloggen kan du se hvordan du kan logge deg på siden og se programmene:

go to and have fun!

In english:
Sorry i havn´t posted for a while, but being a typical musclehead in Norway I took the summer off. But that doesn´t mean I haven´t been working. I just wanna bring you up on the latest of what you will see this fall. With the increasing of popularity of short internet viewing, HeiTV from Bergen, has decided to produce a training show called "Muscle Coach". Attached on this blog is your free view of what this show will be about, and of course my thoughts on some training ideas.

go to and have fun!