Dette må sies å ha vært en hard uke i forhold til ernærings kampen som har rast i media den siste tiden. Jørgen ble sparket, så ansatt igjen, det er jo helt sinnsykt hvordan politikken velger å løse spiseproblemer for våre unge aktive jenter. Tenk deg om dette var problemstillingen i ett sykehus eller pleiehjem. Regjeringen ville gått baserk! Politikere ville stått i kø for å hjelpe.. så hvor er de politikerene nå?
To my english readers this article is the second in a series about the issues of girl athletes that compete at the international levels and how their eating disorders have been covered up so they can compete. This trickle downs to ever girl in sports in Norway. This, combines with the pressures put on the girls by the social pressures of having to be skinny and wear certain clothes has created a national crisis.
The top sports organizations will not endorse the use of protein and other suppiments even though Norway has virtually the strictest regulations in the world on these products.
My feelings is simple. Girls cannot, in 2008 eat enough normal food to get the needed calories a day they need to be healthy and compete in sports. The simple answer is what "muscle heads" learned years ago. Eat the best you can and use protein powders and other suppliments to get the amount required daily.
We shall see if the powers to be give in. Until then lots of girls are asking for help!